After Kakadu we headed to Darwin for weekend. We had few msgs from few potential people to join us replacing Lola and the best one was from estonian bloke, Taavi, who we we're supposed to meet on the next day. Once we arrived to Darwin we drove to a small park next to a nice beach and even thought of camping in there but just our luck that during that weekend there was Arafura games goin on and the next mornin there would be a half-marathon in the park so we couldn't camp there.. We just had a dinner and watched sunset and then headed for parking next to airport, few kilometres away from the city centre. For this night we didn't wanna pay since the next night we would be sleepin in a hostel in Darwin.

On the next mornin we drove early to same park as previous night to watch sunrise but all of us we're just too tired so we continued sleepin next to beach. Afterwards we had a brekkie next to a wee lake and then headed towards city centre to our hostel. We couldn't check-in yet but at least we could park our camper in there. Girls went for internet cafe and me & Lou took a small walk around city centre. Once we finally checked-in Heidi went to see her friend and Lou was waiting for a pick-up call, he was headin to some festival for the weekend a bit south of Darwin. I was just takin it easy and chillin at the hostel. Few hours afterwards girls came back and Taavi came to meet us. At first he wasn't quite sure would he join us cause we we're hedin next to Litchfield where he had been and not to Kakadu where he would have liked to go. Later that evening we had a wee party and ordered some pizza as well. Heidi got a call from Taavi that he was after all joinin us, great. Bunch of us decided to head for nightclub in Darwin but I left around midnight since I was drivin the next day towards Litchfield. In the mornin me & Heidi went for a quick grocery shoppin, picked up Taavi, re-fuelled and gave lift to Lola and our room-mate Chris to airport. They we're both heading to Bali, althou with different flights. I didn't take photos at all in Darwin, just didn't feel like it and also, I knew I'm comin back in few months so I can take photos then. Then it was time to find that festival area and Lou. And what a first impression Taavi got from Lou - he was completely wasted.. Hah, juniors. Anyway, we we're just laughin at him, sure all of us have somethin crazy when younger, and when a bit older as well.. Lou woke up briefly when we stopped in Batchelor for a lunch but passed out again when we started drivin towards Litchfield. We stopped at Florence Falls for a swim but just couldn't get Lou to wake up. Oh, well.. Again, I didn't go for swim, just was takin photos as usually. Eventually we drove to a camping ground next to Wangi Falls and what a beautiful place that was, especially the sunset was gorgeous. Heidi was saying this was the most beautiful camping spot so far and I can't really deny that, it was something amazing.

Florence Falls |
Wangi Falls |

On the mornin me & Lou took an early mornin walk to the top of falls and that was a really good way to start your day with a cold shower afterwards. After Wangi Falls we went for a lookout at Tolmer Falls and then to Burley Rockhole for a swim. Well, yet again, others did, not me. I was again 'the' photographer but I enjoyed it anyway. After Burley we we're supposed to do just a small stop at Florence Falls so that Lou could at least see the place but not a surprise, he couldn't resist a swim in there. After Litchfield we headed for Katherine to do more grocery shoppin and both me & Heidi we waitin for a info about last nights game in ice hockey world championship games final, Finland vs. Sweden. I was first one to get a reception and immediately got few msgs - WE WON!!!!!!!! 6-1!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable! It had been 16yrs since our last and first gold medal and during that time we've had few really tough losses in finals but finally we won, and against Sweden. I couldn't stop screaming for few minutes, I felt so great, wish I could have just seen the game. This was callin for a party once we park up later that night. Gosh, and tmw is my bday.. ..this is gonna be bad.. We parked for a rest area just south of Katherine and had few drinks durin dinner. Heidi & Lou went to bed fairly early but me & Taavi we're just chattin for hours. Isn't it funny how time flies when you have someone good person to have a conversation with. That night only Lou & Taavi slept in the tents and me & Heidi in the camper. So, two nites in row for me in camper since Heidi wanted to have my tent the next night. After all, I had to had bottom bunk tmw since I was more or less likely gonna pass out at some point..

Tolmer Falls |