lauantai 9. huhtikuuta 2011

R.I.P. Poju

Just a quick update..

Today, when I was calling back home to my mum, I got a bit sad news.. brothers pet turtle (well, actually, my mum's..) had a some kind of infection and she had to be taken to pet doctor and.. was the last call for her.. For the last few weeks she had been a bit tired and didn't wanna eat much at all so my mum took her to a vet, and..

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any photos about her right now, I just took few photos a day or two before I left to Australia but I'm not sure at the moment have I deleted them or put to a some random folder that I just can't remember, bollocks..

About Poju (who we thought of being male at first, hence the name..), maybe she wasn't the most active pet you can get but I still do remember just watchin her just eating salad or simply doing some random laps around her aquarium. Althou she wasn't really that much of a pet, but she was still part of our family for about 10years.. ..she's always gonna have a spot in my heart.. I just wish I could find those photos of her that I took, where the bloody hell I put them.. ..I couldn't delete them or could I.. ..hope not..

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